Humectaria, by Rita Simoni, May de 2015.

Humectaria. Wet places.
Buenos Aires and its streams desecrated by the delirium of cement.
The Delta of Paraná, with its infinite tentacles inherited from other tropical forests.
The Yunga tucumana, producer of mists in the heart of the mountain.
Images that are memory of the landscape. Evasive capture that tries to eternalize the intensity of the experience.
Landscape that is a real and imaginary state.
Moved to another site, that when impregnated by the flood became art. Humidity, wetlands, humors.
Everything happens down there. There the sound is the splashing in the mud.
By entering blindly into the entrails of the earth, we appear circulating adrift through uncertain territories. There, the senses and emotions seem to amplify their power. What emerges transcends the limit, extends and spreads through the surrounding space, beyond the human will. And it grows.